Innovative Research Purified Sheep Anti-Human Factor IX Polyclonal Affinity is a polyclonal antibody in a frozen liquid format buffered in 0.05 M HEPES; 0.3 M NaCl; pH 7.4. Affinity isolated antigen-specific antibody was purified from the whole antiserum by immunospecific purification using antigen-bound agarose. This process removes proteins from the host’s serum (including immunoglobulins) that do not specifically bind to the target antigen. This antibody preparation has the least amount of non-specific binding and therefore the highest titer.
Affinity-purified sheep anti-human factor IX polyclonal antibody
Catalog number: PAHFIX-SAP
Subclass: NA
Cloning number: NA
Formulation: 50% Glycerol / H2O (vol / vol)
Storage: -20 ° C
Shelf life (properly stored): 12 months
Purity: > 95% by SDS-PAGE
Type / Host: Polyclonal; Sheep
Other Properties
Immunogen: purified human factor IX
Inhibitory properties: Not determined
Specificity: Human Factor IX
- Western Blot – Yes
- ELISA – Yes
- Radioimmunoassay (RIA) – ND
- Useful for purification – ND
Customization options
Reformulation in the buffer of your choice; Custom aliquot sizes; Conjugation with FITC, Biotin, HRP, and other conjugates; Coupling to sepharose and column preparation
Epitope: NA
Dissociation constant: NA
Notes: NO cell/tissue culture grade. Not treated by endotoxin
Price: Consult